2025 Spring Conference

  • 03/14/2025
  • 8:00 AM - 3:30 PM
  • 633 N Canal Rd, Lansing, MI 48917
  • 172



MASP Annual Spring Conference 

Friday, March 14th, 2025 

8:30 AM - 3:30 PM

(In Person Event Only; No Webinar/Virtual Option)

Morning Session (8:30 AM - 12:30 PM)

Riding the Rollercoaster: A School Psychologist’s Guide to Behavior Scripts

Educators understand that a consistent, predictable, and positive environment sets students up for success and prevents many behavioral challenges. But what happens when it doesn’t? School Psychologists are positioned to both proactively support the development of consistent, predictable, and positive classroom environments and support the development and use of behavioral supports for individual students. A key tool for doing this work is behavioral scripts! This session will walk participants through the understanding of the components of a behavior script and the process for developing and using scripts proactively at the classroom level and specifically matched to an individual student’s unique needs, from calm and engaged to escalation and recovery.

Learning Objectives

At the end of this session, participants will be prepared to:

1. Apply their knowledge of behavioral science proactively to support the development of universal prevention, teaching, and response scripts to promote consistency and self-regulation of students and adults

2. Facilitate a team through the process of script development for the prevention of and consistent response to interfering behavior for individual students


Stephanie Dyer, Ed.S., BCBA

Stephanie is a Special Education Supervisor at Clinton County RESA, a contractor for the Statewide Autism Resources and Training (START) Project at Grand Valley State University, and an adjunct instructor in the GVSU School Psychology program. She has extensive experience with Positive Behavioral Interventions & Supports (PBIS), education-based evaluations for ASD, FAPE in the LRE, inclusive practices, and trainer/coach development. Working to create equitable and inclusive systems is a passion for Stephanie and drives her work. In addition to working as project staff for the START Project for a number of years, Stephanie was project staff with Michigan’s MTSS Technical Assistance Center (MiMTSS) for 10 years, primarily focused on district/school implementation of PBIS, including the intensification of behavioral interventions and FBA / BIP.  Stephanie is a school psychologist and BCBA by training and has worked in numerous ISDs and districts in Michigan throughout her career.

Melissa Nantais, Ph.D., BCBA

Dr. Nantais is the Advanced Tiers Coordinator with Michigan’s MTSS Technical Assistance Center. Her work focuses on integrating academic, social, emotional, and behavioral supports at the Advanced Tiers and intensifying instruction/intervention. Before joining the TA Center, Melissa worked as a school psychologist, educational consultant, and university professor. Melissa earned her Master’s and Doctorate degrees in School Psychology from the University of Cincinnati and is a Board Certified Behavior Analyst (BCBA).




Afternoon Session (1:30 PM - 3:30 PM)

Navigating the Difficult Journey of Mental Health in Schools:  A Framework Overview of the DSM-5-TR with mental health descriptions and an update on different medical interventions

In a recent report (2024) from the State of Mental Health in America it was reported that 20.17% of youth (ages 12-17) reported suffering from at least one major depressive episode (MDE) in the past year. 15% of youth in the U.S. experienced an MDE with severe impairment, meaning it severely impacted their functioning at work, school, or home. 13.16% of youth (over 3.4 million youth) are experiencing serious thoughts of suicide.

As school mental health providers, we work to collaborate with outside mental health resources where the diagnostic criteria and terminology can be different in both settings. This presentation will provide a brief overview of the mental health provider services in schools throughout Michigan per 31n funding, an overview of the different DSM-5-TR diagnostic criteria, and an update on the different medications prescribed to students by diagnosis/class of medications.

Learning Objectives

1. To increase understanding of the different diagnostic criteria and associated symptoms described in the DSM-5-TR to better collaborate and communicate with outside mental health health providers working with students.

2. To demonstrate an ability to effectively recognize behavioral/mental health symptoms displayed by students and underlying neurological causes or environmental/trauma based causes that affect student performance.

3. To increase and establish an updated list of commonly prescribed medications that the medical professionals prescribe based on specific symptoms.  This would include possible benefits and side effects of the medications and their intended purpose to improve overall mental health. 


Dr. Thomas Harwood, MDE fully certified school psychologist, has been working in the field for the past 40 years as a clinical psychologist, school psychologist, and school administrator.  He currently provides therapeutic support to secondary students in the Royal Oak Schools with funding from the State of Michigan MDE 31n grant.  The support provided occurs for students in general education who may be demonstrating mental health challenges such as:  Anxiety, Depression, Eating Disorders, ADHD, Sleep Disorders, Obsessive-Compulsion, Suicidal Thoughts, and Significant Trauma.  He will be addressing the role of the school psychologist and DSM-5-TR diagnostic criteria as we work to extend our collaboration with outside community resources.

Dr. Natalie Lares, D. O. PLLC is a licensed psychiatrist in the Oakland County area.  She serves as a consultant to the Royal Oak Schools 31n grant.  She entered the field of psychiatry after learning in her medical training that if the mind is not well, often the body is not either, and vice versa. She found common ailments like upset stomach, hair loss, rashes, headaches, weight gain, etc. could be traced back to stress, loss, abuse, or even perfectionism. As a general psychiatrist, her approach to evaluating and treating patients includes assessing their livelihood, temperament, health status, family dynamics, genetic risks, and subconscious conflicts. Such elements are important contributors to problems like anxiety, depression, inattention, insomnia (just to list a few examples).  She has historically focused her work with teens, adults, and training other clinicians. 

LOCATION: Hilton Garden Inn Lansing West - 633 N Canal Rd, Lansing, MI 48917

Reservations can be made directly with the hotel by calling (517) 999-9930. In order to receive the quoted Group Rate of $119/night, the Hotel must receive reservations by February 13, 2025.

NASP Model for Comprehensive and Integrated School Psychological Services

These sessions focus on skill development in Domains 4 and 7. 

Visit www.nasponline.org/practicemodel for additional information.

SCECHs: This conference is approved for up to 6 SCECHs from the Michigan Department of Education.  Up to 6 NASP CPD's are also available.  Please complete the Google Form within 30 days in order to apply for SCECHs/CPDs.  All Google Forms must be submitted by 5pm on April 14th in order to award SCECHs/CPDs. 

PLEASE NOTE: The Early Bird Registration rate is available if registration and payment are received by midnight January 31, 2025. Please consider this deadline when electing to pay by check to account for delays by postal delivery and for processing time if your conference registration is being paid by a third party (e.g., school district). Additional registration fees will be required if payment is received after the early bird deadline. We do not accept Purchase Orders. 

REFUND POLICY: Refunds will not be made routinely. All refunds are subject to an administration fee of $30.00. Requests for a refund must be made by email or in writing and postmarked no later than 03/10/25. Allow 3 weeks for refund.

DISPUTED CHARGES POLICY: Should an individual dispute charges, particularly due to not recognizing the MASP charge on their credit/debit card, the card holder will be responsible for providing a Letter of Acceptance so that MASP may respond to the chargeback claim. The card holder will be assessed a fee of $25, regardless of the outcome of the chargeback, for having to reverse process the money to the card issuing bank. 

Contact the MASP Conference Chair at Hannah.Barraw@gmail.com with any questions or concerns regarding this event. 

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